Career Path Diversification: Why to Consider Alt-Ac with Dr. Julia Daniel, Part Two

This post is based off of a podcast series that Dr. Julia Daniel did for the Baylor Graduate School back in early 2021. The first post covered the historic and economic reasons for the state of the academic job market and what applying for an academic job actually...

Career Path Diversification: Why to Consider Alt-Ac with Dr. Julia Daniel, Part One

This post is based off of a podcast series that Dr. Julia Daniel did for the Baylor Graduate School back in early 2021. This first post will cover the historic and economic reasons for the state of the academic job market and what applying for an academic job actually...

Invitation to Join Teachers of Record Anonymous

Teaching is hard! It’s a worthwhile vocation, absolutely, and watching students grow and learn can be a deeply joyful experience. That just doesn’t mean it’s easy, and it certainly doesn’t mean it’s easy all the time. I’ve been out...
How and Where I Write: A Series

How and Where I Write: A Series

Well, we’re back from Spring Break, which for grad students doesn’t mean living it up on a Florida Beach. It probably meant checking on your lab mosquitoes, editing a thesis chapter, catching up on grading student essays, or trying (we repeat, trying, not...

Finding Your People: Socializing and Scholarship in STEM

Earning my undergraduate degree from Baylor and transitioning into graduate studies was a challenging experience. The friends and connections I made during my time at undergrad had left Waco and were flinging their green and gold afar, so to speak. For me, the first...

Finding Your People: The Grace of Community and Collaboration

Initially, navigating the ways of graduate school can feel like an independent quest, siloed off on a mission to hone and perfect our skills and research alone. For me, those feelings were short lived thanks to the collaborative nature of music, my church, and even...