How and Where I Write: Interview with Jasmine Stovall

For our final interview this semester in the How and Where I Write Series (don’t worry, we’ll bring this back in the future!), we sat down with Jasmine Stovall, a fourth-year PhD student in the Biology department. She also completed her MS at Baylor as...

Invitation to Join Teachers of Record Anonymous

Teaching is hard! It’s a worthwhile vocation, absolutely, and watching students grow and learn can be a deeply joyful experience. That just doesn’t mean it’s easy, and it certainly doesn’t mean it’s easy all the time. I’ve been out...

Finding Your People: Socializing and Scholarship in STEM

Earning my undergraduate degree from Baylor and transitioning into graduate studies was a challenging experience. The friends and connections I made during my time at undergrad had left Waco and were flinging their green and gold afar, so to speak. For me, the first...

Finding Your People: The Grace of Community and Collaboration

Initially, navigating the ways of graduate school can feel like an independent quest, siloed off on a mission to hone and perfect our skills and research alone. For me, those feelings were short lived thanks to the collaborative nature of music, my church, and even...

Finding Your People: Friendship and the Logic of Vocation

When I first began my studies at Baylor, I stumbled upon a ministry at a local church for graduate students. At the monthly gatherings, we “talked shop”: discussing anxiety over tough assignments and piles of reading, laughing over niche things we found in our...