How to Stay Sane in Graduate School: An Interview with James Howard

Today we feature an interview with James Howard, a graduate student in the History department, studying American abolitionist movements and their intersection with broader evangelical thought. In our interview, James shares his thoughts on graduate school boundaries,...

How to Stay Sane in Graduate School: An Interview with Joyce Chang

To continue our new series on how to have healthy boundaries in Graduate School, I sat down with Joyce Chang, a PhD candidate in Sociology, who also works as a consultant for the Graduate Writing Center. Joyce has some wonderful insights about growing in boundaries...

How to Stay Sane in Graduate School: An Interview with Brooke Morris

To continue our new series on how to have healthy boundaries in Graduate School, I sat down with Brooke Morris, a PhD candidate in Biology, who also works in the Graduate School as a Doctoral Administrative Fellow. As a non-traditional student, Brooke has unique...

How to Stay Sane in Graduate School: A Series

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash This might seem like a strange topic to spend time on – after all, if you don’t have at least one mental breakdown a semester, are you even in graduate school? Well, maybe you shouldn’t be; or at least, if you do stick...

Graduate Pathways for Success: How to Create a Poster Presentation

With both the October GPS workshop on “Conferencing Well” (October 18th, register here) and the Fall 2022 Graduate Research Showcase on the horizon (October 20th, submit your proposal here), it’s important to set yourself up for success when publicly...

Invitation to Join Teachers of Record Anonymous

Teaching is hard! It’s a worthwhile vocation, absolutely, and watching students grow and learn can be a deeply joyful experience. That just doesn’t mean it’s easy, and it certainly doesn’t mean it’s easy all the time. I’ve been out...