Jason Osborne recently wrote a short primer on exploratory factor analysis (Best Practices in Exploratory Factor Analysis). Osborne presents SPSS syntax for many of his…
A. Alexander Beaujean, Ph.D., ABAP
Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience
Jason Osborne recently wrote a short primer on exploratory factor analysis (Best Practices in Exploratory Factor Analysis). Osborne presents SPSS syntax for many of his…
Hierarchical regression models are common in linear regression to examine the amount of explained variance a variable explains beyond the variables already included in the…
Continue reading Cholesky Decomposition for Structural Equation Models in R
From the Washington Post
First, download the Texas population by county here. Download it as a *.csv file and remove the line giving the results for the entire state.…
If you want to incorporate R syntax and output into your posts, it can be a little tricky. If you use knitr, this process can…
Continue reading Using knitr to publish R syntax on Baylor’s WordPress/Edublog Posts
Graham Williams has a nice document on how to format knitr output here. One thing that is missing is how to selectively show lines of…
Graphviz is a great program to make directional graphs, which structural equation/path models are! It uses syntax instead of point-and-click objects, though, and the syntax is…
Calculate ω and ωh using lavaan (pdf). Also, see semTools As an alternative, see the stand alone omega software
Below is a way to make path models using the tikz package in $$\LaTeX$$. Here is the result: PathModel \documentclass[border=3mm]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[auto,node distance=.5cm, latent/.style={circle,draw,very…