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About Me

My name is Alex Beaujean.


In 1999, I graduated from Cedarville University with majors in Psychology and History and a concentration in Secondary Education. I worked for a year at the Engineering Psychology Laboratory at Wright State University, and in 2000 moved to Columbia, Missouri to work in a dual-track Ph.D. in School Psychology (APA-Accredited) and Educational Psychology (Statistics/Measurement) at the University of Missouri.

In 2006, I completed an APA-Accredited internship at Applewood Centers, Inc.

University Experience

After completing my degrees, I came to work in the Educational Psychology Department at Baylor University. While there, I created the quantitative methods specialization in the department’s doctoral and master’s programs. In addition, I contributed to the school psychology program and served as the program coordinator for two years where I helped developed the doctoral program.

In 2017, I moved to the Psychology & Neuroscience department, where I study psychological measurement and teach courses research methods, data analysis, and psychological assessment.


I hold a licensure for the independent practice of psychology in Texas, and was awarded a diplomate in Assessment Psychology from the American Board of Assessment Psychology. I currently supervise clinical psychology students psychological assessments in the Baylor Psychology Clinic.