About Ambassadors for Baylor

David Rosselli, Vice President for Advancement

One of our greatest strengths at Baylor University is the Baylor family.  Our alumni, parents and friends walk alongside this University and support our students and the programs that help them find and follow their callings.

The Ambassadors for Baylor program began as a way to empower members of our Baylor family to be even stronger voices in your own communities. Members of the Baylor family can join this program by clicking here.

As an Ambassador, you will receive news and information about Baylor to help you share with others about the mission and vision of the institution. All we ask is that you to talk about the Baylor you know, love and believe in, and we encourage you to be active in connecting with Baylor’s outreach efforts in your communities.

Thank you for your support of Baylor University.

Sincerely and Sic’Em Bears,

David Rosselli